Barbie 50 周年展覽

前天到尖沙咀海運大廈 LCX 工作,途經看到 Barbie 50 周年展覽,已立即拍了些照片。剛巧今天農場之旅因下大雨而要中途離開,朋友 J 專程遠道而來拍照,不忍要她白走一趟,所以就提議大伙兒一同去海運大廈看 Barbie 展覽,室內可以避雨,亦有靚靚 Barbie 當拍攝對象。

▲ 尖沙咀海運大廈 2/F

我並不是特別喜愛 Barbie,但是一邊拍著照片,一邊也在心裡讚嘆這些 Barbie 造工真的很精細,從服飾到洋娃娃臉上的妝容亦如是,所以拍出來的照片才有這樣好的效果。

50th Anniversary Barbie 2009
▲ 50th Anniversary Barbie 2009

▲ 巨型海報板

Bob Mackie Moon Goddess Barbie 1996
▲ Bob Mackie Moon Goddess Barbie 1996

▲ 在電視屏幕背後的大海報板,今天繞到後面才見到,幾乎忽略過去。

Ferrari Barbie 2006
▲ Ferrari Barbie 2006

Scotland Barbie 2009
▲ Scotland Barbie 2009

Chinese New Year Barbie 2006
▲ Chinese New Year Barbie 2006

Happy New Year Barbie 2008
▲ Happy New Year Barbie 2008

5 thoughts on “Barbie 50 周年展覽

  1. Hi,I am a barbie collector. Do you like cats? I am a cat lover.

    I feed stray cats in my area. I have 9 stray cats at home. They live happily in my home

    They used to live in the street. People mistreated them. I could not bear to see them rummage through trash for food. In the end, I adopted them.

    About 2 months ago, I picked up a cat in the street. The cat turned out to be pregant.
    She gave birth to 5 kittens in the middle of night.
    And now they live happily in my home.

    We sleep together. I like cats and dogs. I often give help to Sally Anderson-dog resuce founder.

    I do hope that next time,when you see a stray cat in the street. Try to help them.

    Sometimes, I sell my barbies in order to get money to help stray cats.

    Next time, I show my cats photo to you. Bye : James.

    1. Hi Ming, or should I call you James?

      I like cats, and I sure love my cats. All three cats I’m raising were picked up from street.

      Anyway, discussing cats under a Barbie topic is a bit strange somehow. :p

  2. Nicole,

    I am a crazy barbie collector. Barbie and my cats are part of my life. I love your cats.

    Your cats are very cute and lovely. Yesterday, one of my cats ” Susan jumped onto my bed and kissed me.

    There is a barbie shop in Causeway Bay near sogo. there are many barbie collectibles in the shop

    Here is the address: 1 st Floor,No 507, Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay.

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